Bonjour, Bonsoir

Before coming to Paris, I promised myself I would learn French.  However, with the craziness from literally moving across the world and planning this European adventure a little late, learning the basics was all I had a chance to master.  Although, you don’t have to speak French to come to Paris, I highly recommend it.  To be honest, when we first arrived I didn’t realize how much I would have to rely on French for everyday conversation.  Maybe chalk up my assumption to seeing too many love stories take place in Paris where the beautiful Parisian lovers speak to one another in accented but perfectly understood English.  No matter the reason, I have to say I was very much surprised by the amount of French we would need when traveling to this amazing city.  So of course, I memorized the basics…Bonjour (Hello), Parlez-vous Anglais? (Do you speak English?), Merci (Thank You), Bonsoir (Good Evening) and Au Revoir (Goodbye).  But most importantly, I learned how to pronounce some of my favorite fashion designers.  Why, you ask?  For shopping of course!  So please check out this great video that has helped me with some of my French pronunciation along the way!

Have a great Tuesday!  Au Revoir!

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2 Responses to Bonjour, Bonsoir

  1. Jessica says:

    Fun post! Loved it.

  2. Gailiotas says:

    You are definitely cute! Thanks for all the pronunciations, have fun shopping!