Couch Potato

The T.V. and radio stations here in Malaysia are a little bit behind the times when it comes to America’s most recent hot songs and shows.  Just last month, I started hearing this song on the radio hear called, “Rolling In the Deep” by Adele.  I became instantly obsessed with the song, found it on ITUNES and began playing it over and over.  I mentioned my recent obsession to my sister on the phone and she said, “Um, hello, that song has been out since last November!”  Whoops!  Although Malaysia does get an E for Effort, I have to say I feel a bit behind the times out here, but mostly when it comes to T.V. shows.  One of my favorite T.V. stations in KL is called Star World and it definitely does a good job of trying to keep us up-to-date with American programming.  Last season, it actually premiered “American Idol” only a couple days later than the American showing!  Other shows, I have to say, are a couple seasons behind or even a few years, but hey, we aren’t in America so what can I expect.  All in all, they do a pretty good job, but this doesn’t mean that I’m still not missing my favorites.  Here are a few that I have listed below, although I have to say this list could be a lot longer…I am a little bit of a T.V. lover, ha!

Gossip Girl – Ironically, I never watched this show while living in the States, but became addicted when I borrowed some old episodes while living here in KL.  Now I’m obsessed, but sadly haven’t been able to tune in to the new season yet!  I’m just dying to see where Serena and Blair have recently been SPOTTED (yes, this is why I title my Friday posts SPOTTED, just a little shout out!)

Fringe – who doesn’t love a smart, beautiful, blonde FBI agent running around trying to solve unexplained, Sci-Fi murders and occurrences.  Totally missing this!

Modern Family – absolutely T-totally love this comedy.  So quirky and lovely at the same time.

How I Met Your Mother – seriously the funniest show on television!  And I love how it’s still pure and sweet, good ole fashioned, good T.V.!

Grey’s Anatomy – okay, you’re an oldie, but a goodie.  I’m not as heart broken about missing you, but still my Thursday nights aren’t the same.


Hart of Dixie – because I HEART Rachel Bilson, I decided to download the first episode of her new series on ITUNES and I have to say, I fell in love.  She’s the cutest and so is this new show…which kinda reminds of Sweet Home Alabama meets Doc Hollywood.

Kinda already missed, but now loving

Smallville – One of my current favorites.  I just recently purchased the first season and found out that there are actually TEN of them!  How exciting!  Last night, I watched an episode where Clark Kent and Lex Luthor talk about their friendship together.  (It’s so great actually seeing them get along and being so close…especially after growing up watching the movies where Christopher Reeves and Gene Hackman can’t stand one another.)  In this particular episode, it ends with Clark questioning the strength of his friendship with Lex after witnessing one man kill his former best friend.  Clark asks Lex, “Do you think we’ll ever end up like that.”  Lex answers, “Trust me Clark, our friendship is going to be the stuff of legend.”

Now have a good day and don’t forget to watch your favorite T.V. show tonight, whatever it may be.
This is what I will be watching

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6 Responses to Couch Potato

  1. gailiotas says:

    Love amazing race. Take Tobi’s suggestions and start watching, Once Upon a Time.

  2. Tobi says:

    Someone told me about Once Upon a Time and it is darling. I watched all three episodes from ITunes. The fourth is probably out by now. Another one I just discovered is Medium. I always just miss it when showing here in Malaysia so I have started to watch it on Project TV. So interesting. Amazing Race is always one of my very favorite ones. Missed seeing photos of you above.


  3. Genevieve says:

    Have The Bachelor/Bachelorette come to KL yet? 😉

  4. Jessica says:

    I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to catch up at some point. Sometimes we have too many shows to watch with the DVR! Adele is good…you will like her next radio hit, too!

  5. Kristin says:

    Check out Veronica Mars Grace…I love that show! I also just rewatched Felicity…oh Scott Speedman!