The Full Windsor

The FULL Windsor, referred to as the knot that REAL men wear (ha!), is a method of tying a necktie around the neck and collar producing a wide, symmetrical, triangular knot.  The history of the Windsor knot dates back to the Duke of Windsor, whom many believe the knot was named after.  However, it was actually named after the Duke’s grandfather, Edward VII.  The Duke preferred a wide knot to the smaller ones and had his ties made with a special, thicker cloth to produce the wide knot.  Usually worn on more formal occasions, the Windsor knot is the only knot that is used by all personnel in the UK Royal Air Force when they wear their uniforms.  Not to mention the men that wear their FULL Windsor knotted ties to work each day.  There is just something about a man’s tie that can really make a statement.  I love a man’s tie, especially knotted in a Full Windsor.  It looks so crisp, professional, polished and classy to me.  Maybe it’s because that’s how my husband ties his tie, but either way the Full Windsor is definitely sexy. 

My husband graciously agreed to show a video on how to tie a Full Windsor knot, but here are some step-by-step directions below if you are interested and would like to pass this information on to your husband, boyfriend or friends.

Step 1: Drape the necktie around your collar and start with the wider end extending approximately 12 inches below the narrow end; cross it over with the wide end on top.
Step 2: Wrap the wide end around the narrow, and bring it up over and through the loop between the collar and the tie. Then pull it down toward the front and to the side.
Step 3 : Curl the wide end that is left behind the narrow end and the knot.
Step 4: Bring the wide end back up again through the loop as in the first step.
Step 5: Put the wide end down through loop and pull around across the front of the knot.
Step 6: Bring the wide end up behind the knot and tuck it through the loop a third time, and bring it back down to the front through the knot.
Step 7: Finally, pull down on the wide end carefully to tighten and draw up the knot snugly to your collar.  Use your hands to carefully adjust the knot and create a dimple.


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4 Responses to The Full Windsor

  1. gailiotas says:

    I loved the video!!!!! You definitely chose the right song.

  2. Leslie says:

    Love the video!

  3. Jess says:

    Fun video and music choice! Check out Mad Men for some of their “classic” styles!